Magsoft Corporation

Motion Sequences

ATILA displays a motion sequence of the vibration, to make it easier to see a device's behavior. ATILA automatically creates this type of motion sequence. It is not necessary to run computations of your device for various time steps, and then create the animated sequence by displaying one picture after the other! ATILA automatically computes a sequence of 20 frames that can be used at any time.

We extracted four frames (Figure 7) of the sequence that show the traveling wave of the TWUM's stator. This type of display is very useful for verifying that the system is working properly. For example, when running the sequence, the elliptical path of motion of the points on the stator's surface appears clearly.

Other ATILA postprocessing tools can be used to display the ellipse shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7

The characteristic values of this ellipse can also be obtained, so that you can see the normal and tangential displacements of the points, as well as their phase shift with the electrical excitation.

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